Welsh Sheepshaggers:

                 An English Establishment Lie..?


       A bit of poetry for you, as poetry is a great way to convey a context and a feeling quickly

This is an Open Invitation for these Poems to be put to Music and/or Rap, and then eventually even become a Musical or Play with Poems by people more Musically & Artistically gifted than myself (in the same vein as Hamilton, but highlighting Britain from a minority Celtic Historical perspective), which will either Make the UK or Break the UK, depending on whether London want to Embrace the Truth, or Continue Hiding from it, but either way will give Voice to the Perspective of Britain not from a London Majority England Perspective, as Usual, but from a Uniquely Celtic and Welsh Perspective, as the other largely Side-lined members of the UK.

                                                                            POEMS AND RHYMES TO EXPLAIN THE TIMES



                                                                                                    The Sins of my Fathers

To all those folks that have gone before, shame on you, when you chose to ignore the discrimination and humiliation that you encountered before, allowing abuse to flow through your unguarded door, permitting the racial abuse of your youth, who you should protect and care for, by lifting them high to rise and soar.

What I do now, you should have done then, shame on you for allowing this burden to come around time and time again. Your inheritance to your youth is apathy and mockery, what a disgrace, a fact that we all must face and embrace in order to replace the shame to regain our honour in our own birth place.

Shame on you, I'll say it again, as I am now doing what you should have done then. You can't go into the future without doing what you must do today, because of your neglect it's our youth who continue to pay.

Shame on you, you know who you are, turning a blind eye to that vulgar lie, you continue to deny and permit, allowing the stripping of a Welsh person's spirit, you're a counterfeit and a hypocrite. 

Perhaps one day you'll admit that you could have done more to protect your young, so take your dignity off the floor, and be a disgrace no more!... 



                                                                                                                             Can I be your Token?

Can I be your Token, I'll be nice for the right price, I'll be yours if you open those doors, let me in I'll be nice, there won't be no awkward questions or protests here, can I be your token, the message is clear. 

You see for me it's all about the money, I'm not saying I'm bad, but I just want the stuff that you've always had. Can I be your token, I know the game and the pain, denying injustice just as long as I gain.

See me, I'm all that I've got, can I be your token, it'll help me a lot. Can I be your token, I'll be your best version of an uncle Tom, I'll always say that you're right, and never say that you're wrong. Can I be your token, I'll even pretend not to know for that free flowing dough.

Can I be your token, I'm desperate you see, as being a token is the only route out for me, I'll be the one that offers you hope, who allows you to feel that injustice ain't real.

Can I be your token and be a Sir or a Ma'am, a career in hock to the dis-honourable one. I'll pretend it's all great spreading your word on the premise of hate. The other is bad, I've been there since birth, can I be your token to validate worth.

Can I be your token, it's a beautiful thing, you can teach me the verses you want me to sing. I'll be the one who justifies you, I'll be the one that says, 'no that's not true, I'm one of them, and you can be too'! Can I be your token, the prestige is high, with a seat at the table, all I've got to do is lie for a piece of the pie, deny deny deny. 



                                                                                                         The Privileged Few

I know you, the privileged few, I've seen you so many times before, you line your nest with the pain of the poor, you're the lock on the door, the key to the gate, with power to decide everyone's fate. 

​I know you, I know what you do, and to who, I know you, without talent or gift, your judgement is swift, quick to dismiss those who resist.

I know you, I see you right there, you're not very rare, at God you dare to swear without a care, refusing to share that increases despair, with no witness to bare, clothed in the delusion's you wear, with your media tools you assume we're all fools.

I know you, you think you're so bright, you divide to incite, enjoying the pain of another person's plight, distorting the light to keep your deeds out of sight, relying so much on your inherited right, hidden from view, only open to the same type of selected few, your covert deals in your hidden cabal, I know you, I know you so well.

I know you, the privileged few, with the deeds that you do, and with who, as my Lord sees all, you'll meet him one day, so please continue to deny and delay because free will is here and it's here to stay, but that's when you'll pay for those games that you play, when even the most wicked have screamed and begged for forgiveness whilst they pass away, but you denied me, so I deny you, is the words he did say.

Then all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye without any delay, you turn around, and now it's your turn today!...



                                                                                                    An Inward Looking People

Look up you fool, there's nothing down there to hold your stare, look up and look out, don't naval gaze for those yet to arrive glory days, be in no doubt, you must look out.

The power's out there it's not in here, look up and look out to make your way clear, be free from fear, breath that rare air of a new atmosphere. When you keep looking inward you make yourself small, so look up and look out, don't fear standing tall.

Answer the call with a proud shout, let the world know what you're all about. You're good enough, you see, so there's nothing to hide, so look up and look out with a justified pride.

Perspective is key, as it allows you to see with a wider strategy, with a real sense of empathy and clarity, so have the courage to see yourselves as you really are, to know what you look like from the outside looking in, look outward you fools, that's where to begin.




                                                                                       The Definition of Welshness

The Welsh have a long and mystical history, steeped in tradition and legacy, such as Geoffrey of Monmouth’s King Arthur tales, based on ancient legends forged in Wales. The Welsh are a passionate and whimsical bunch with great powers of imagination and subtle creation, but have had to endure centuries of limitation and degradation as a Celtic nation, as Celticness is not just about bloodline, it is about a history of struggle that is unique to the Celtic mystique. Welshness is about always being a minority, against the majority, that old enemy, always trying to keep their dignity against repeated assaults on their very humanity. Welshness means resilience and persistence, but it also means ignorance and indifference, their brilliance remains unknown due to their characteristic silence, with a chronic benevolence that continues to engulf their very existence.

The Welsh are an old and emotional race, formed in a mystical place, a hardy nation, if they can still survive colonisation, occupation and annexation, then basic survival is at their core foundation, but always in stagnation, marginalised and overwhelmingly outnumbered, the poor relation, an infantilization through association, being the neighbour of England with their world domination, with its continued implications to the Celtic nations, yet Wales still survives with its nation and language intact, although its dignity and confidence is bruised and cracked. 

Welshness is acceptance, with an inherent learnt helplessness, powerless, locked into poverty, with an inferiority, denied opportunity, with a fear of change so deeply ingrained. Welshness is also a bizarre contradiction, looking so weak, but with a steely inclination, being rough and tough who can provide the most fierce opposition, yet lack the belief in themselves to provide the conviction, allowing themselves, through the burden of history, to be led so aimlessly by discrimination with no set direction or firm destination, and if this were written a hundred years or more ago it would be exactly the same description of the Welsh situation, a people that have become numb to deprivation and humiliation who instinctively need permission to make a decision. Floating like a cork on the tide, an uncertain nation, this is the Welsh condition. 




                                                                                                                    Racism: The Taboo Subject

The Celtic ethnic minority within a majority Anglo-Saxon society with the English establishment as the authority. There's a fact that we all must face when you talk about nationality you talk about race. When highlighting Celtic ethnicity as an oppressed minority through the burden of history this does not detract from the equality of other minorities, oppression, the prolonged abuse of authority that limits freedom and opportunity. We all have a right to stand up for ourselves through evidence and truth if you think there's no oppression then I'll show you the proof. 

543 English MPs is key in a UK parliament majority vote, the oppression of the Celts do you still have a doubt? 107 Celtic MPs, tell me how they are supposed to influence UK law and policy against the majority? The same overall law and policy that has to be obeyed by the Celtic minority, which denies opportunity, made by the majority nation, when the Celts have no direct say in their implementation, then creating laws to block Celtic independence referendums for the minority when the UK union is supposed to be voluntary. Oppression there for all to see, again through England's 543, who deny a devolved independent media for any Celtic nation to start any national debate or conversation, that allows the ongoing slander of each Celtic nation, denied a shout are you still in doubt! 

543 of the favoured majority on UK policy in the London parliament as evidenced by the Celtic nations underdevelopment, allocation of wealth decided by the English UK government who can favour their own nation voted by England's vast population, where just making up the numbers is not representation! Majority rule in a majority vote when Northern Ireland and Scotland voted for the EU but were still taken out!

Yet the Celts are predominantly white nations, this makes talking about racism a difficult conversation as we know that there are people in a worse situation. White privilege is an advantage yet this did not prevent the oppression of the Irish, or the Welsh annexation with the alien act that forced the union of the Scottish nation. When we discuss racial privilege we mean the majority that privilege does not extend to any minority. 

Not anti-English just pro-fairness if it was happening to you I'm sure that you'd tell us!

                                                                                                                                                  L.W. Jones



                                                                                                 Vote the Government Out!

O’ no you said it, this poem, you clearly haven’t read it, now let’s set the record straight, if you’re a minority how are you supposed to outvote a majority, let’s debate, 'if you don’t like the government then vote them out', that's what London do say, but wait, that only applies to a one nation state, but in a state that has four nationalities only the majority nation gets to dictate the UK’s destination, great if you’re English but that’s just selfish, yet if you’re from the Celtic minority this statement has no validity when the minority has no way to influence the 85% majority, so where’s the democracy for the Celtic minority, a catch 22, a misery for me, but great for you, when England call the UK a one nation state they have the Celtic nations in a permanent check mate.



                                                                                                       The Futility of Life 

Vanity and grasping for the wind, seeking riches that you will never find, in the place of justice wickedness was there, you sort wisdom but only became more foolish, you sort joy but it only brought you sorrow, you rejoiced in your labour but then only saw futility, you sort honour and gain and even fame, you were nice to the right people playing the game with money your aim, then you look back and what do see, only futility.

I considered these people who labour and toil take all they can take all the spoil. Two conclusions I draw when I tally the score. Firstly, seek wisdom as your aim, as the fool and the wise are not the same, events will happen to both but wisdom and foolishness will decide their reaction taking each person in a different direction, indeed in many cases I have found that no reaction all is the best reaction.

Now secondly to the vanity of life. Yes, it's all in vain if you labour and toil for yourself or your own, give to charity, this can be time or money, the more you give to charity the less your life lives in vanity, as who is there to testify when you die what will they say on that day, when all you take with you is that which you gave away, so look and you see, the multitude that you helped are there as your testimony, to uphold your name, make giving your aim the more you give the more you gain, then my friend your life was never in vain.    




                                                                                                  What does it mean to you?

What does God's wrath mean to you who have never experienced it, what does it mean to the untouched, their just words a phrase, but once you have been touched by his wrath it will change your ways, for no longer are they just words or a phrase when you feel his wrath it's the end if days, you're a new person now, with fear of the Lord, when you have felt his wrath you know for sure the truth of his word and the strength of his sword. Yet rejoice although his wrath is mighty and stern, he's doing it so you can learn, if he didn't care, he'd have no concern. We're all special and he wants us to win rejoice in his wrath and depart from your sin. Earn a place in heaven above rejoice in his his wrath as it's done out of love.



                                                                                                 It's Your Fault!

Let's clarify the Celtic independence situation with the four UK nations, the push for independence is as a result of London's negligence, so let me break down this call, so even the people can understand who have very strongly held beliefs based on nothing at all! If I treat my wife badly, calling her names no respect and no equality, and she leaves me, it's my fault if she wants a divorce because if I treated her right and she wasn't ignored, but given respect with more equal power in the relationship I could have changed the course to avoid the divorce.

So London UK disunity is on you, as you refuse to share UK power with the respect that is due, I hope that this has given you a clue, as it's what you must do, if you want UK unity then it's up to you, yet if you keep all UK power to yourselves because of your greed, ignoring need, then I refuse to look back when the Celtic nations are freed.



Race Dictates Class in the UK

To get higher in the class system in the UK you must be English, and of course white, that’s just fact and is clearly right, it’s in plain sight, the historical powerful majority that owns all UK wide opportunity, that can favour the majority and deny the minority, and for the evidence just look at the UK power hierarchy from the royal family to the UK parliament's vast English majority, that gives power politically and socially who then get to dictate UK law and policy and direct UK funds from the economy, with a natural favour towards their own nationality from the English establishment within their Anglo-Saxon ethnicity. The evidence is clear for all to see, how many Celtic people do you see in prosperity, outside of the English majority, as most Celtic people struggle in poverty, mainly due to lack of UK wide power politically due to being a minority with no independent devolved media to help them socially which would help to provide a more meaningful UK wide democracy for the Celtic ethnicity.

If you’re outside of this English majority as a minority it will affect your prosperity, obviously, due to lack of opportunity within a different ethnicity and social community when the English establishment tend to favour their own Anglo-Saxon ethnicity, who have the majority numbers to change the law to favour their own English nation politically, as their priority, the powerful UK nationality, because without a connection to UK wide opportunity you can never get the prosperity to move up the class system to progress economically and develop socially up the social class hierarchy, this is why race dictates class outside of an Anglo-Saxon ethnicity. Yes you can be English and white and poor, but your race is never going to be the issue that will close every door, with the English majority able to change law and policy to favour their own nationality that can never be an option for any Celtic minority. 

There is one thing that we all must face, that no matter how hard we work we can never change our race, or our Celtic ethnicity, that continues to prevent any social mobility, UK class is clearly dictated by the powerful majority English nationality, because with all the power comes all opportunity.



                                                                                                             Wales a Race

Welsh is a race a fact that we all must to face clarified in 2014 with the precedent of the Gronant case. A fact outlined in the Equality act where nationality and ethnicity are protected characteristics legally. Celtic countries which also makes Scotland and Ireland a race based on ethnicity and nationality, and yes, England as an Anglo-Saxon nation also have a racial orientation. This is not to say that we cannot be in a union as four nationalities it just means that there are separate distinct national rights to racial equality to protect each individual UK nation from discrimination. The evidence is ample with no HS2 consequential for Wales as an example.

London unilaterally declaring the UK and Britain a nation and country denies individual racial rights to the Celtic nations minority, to provide some clarity the act of union created a union not one country. When you are subject to collective amalgamation this cancels out the rights of each UK nation, perceived as one means the racial rights of individual UK nations can amount to none, amalgamation focuses on the rights of the whole that denies individual recognition of each UK nation's rights particularly harmful to the minority when fighting discrimination and abuse that's derogatory, the minimisation of domestic and international legislation. A four nation union within a four nation state to set the record straight where each UK nation has their own racial rights to protect them from hate. Diluted racial rights means social and economic discrimination and limitation, with racial abuse and accusation where the majority can use internal UK banter as their validation. 




                                                                                                               Majority rule

Democracy, but only for the majority when we live in a four nation state where three are the minority, there cannot be situation where the democratic system is unilaterally chosen by the majority nation to benefit their own population, the greater number, that’s not democracy, when the Celtic nations have no effect on UK wide law and policy in a majority rule, you must think I’m a fool, when the majority Anglo-Saxon population are from a different nation with a long history of oppressing the Celtic people from generation to generation.

The games they play, when democracy is meant to be about all UK citizens having their say, still essentially written out of democracy for being a Celtic minority, a different ethnicity, with the English establishment using their population numbers as a weapon of oppression. Yet democracy is not there to oppress it’s there to empower and unite but with England using a rigged democracy as a weapon in their own personal fight, seeing the Celtic nations as a threat to their authority so will use their version of a so called democracy to silence the minority, using their majority to weaponize democracy, because when your vote does not count against the vast majority you are placed into obscurity, yet you only finally become a democracy, when it's based on equality.



                                                                                                             De facto England

Democracy depends on the acceptance of the truth, yet to get to the truth you need proof, so let’s see if you can finally relate, England’s 543 majority MPs in the UK parliament makes England a De facto independent sovereign state, which hands the whole of the UK to England on a plate, but has no legitimacy in a UK wide democracy as England is not recognized internationally as the owners of UK sovereignty so cannot control the UK through their majority, which is why England as a de facto sovereign state has no validity, when de facto is being such in effect but certainly not formally. That English establishment disguise, as de facto is not officially recognized. I trust that this has clarified an obvious anomaly, quite obviously there for all to see, as a de facto England is not a democracy.





                                                                                                       Celtic Underdevelopment

Celtic underdevelopment is the direct evidence of Celtic discrimination, when compared with the overdevelopment in the English nation, yet development must be on need not size of population, as that again obviously benefits the English nation, to shine a light on Celtic underdevelopment look at a map of Britain at night, then you will understand the Celtic plight, as where there is light there is life, cutting through the darkness like a development knife, the Celtic black holes in mid Wales and the highlands of Scotland, starved of the funding to develop their place, yet in England they say they have run out of space, with England controlling the purse strings this is what unilateral power brings, can it get any worse as all I ever see is England first, without development there is only despair, the evidence is there, but it’s clear that the English establishment don’t care, this uneven development that just isn’t fair, the definition of discrimination and is the cause of the under development of each Celtic nation, look at the map it's plain to see, underdevelopment based on ethnicity.



Celtic Nations Veto Vote

Prevention is better than cure, restrictions won't endure, direct power on UK wide law and policy for the Celtic nations minority to ensure unity based on equality. An annual allocated number of veto votes on the UK English government, on the majority English nation, to ensure UK law and policy has UK wide validation, not just imposed by one majority nation, to ensure a four nation collaboration. It's all about equality you see in a democracy, a veto vote to level up the minority to the majority. Up to three veto's a year, annually, to interject on UK law and policy that may hinder the Celtic minority until a compromise is found that is agreed by every UK nationality, or three out of four to provide a UK nations majority, if you're confused it's called equality.

All unions of recognised nations have a veto vote, the UN, the EU and the UK must have one too, with only four nations it's quick to do. The reason for a veto vote in any union is to prevent the larger nation majority from railroading the minority. If the minority are placed into obscurity with no veto opportunity, no union can survive in the modern internet world, only equality for the smaller minority ensures a union's ongoing unity. A veto opportunity for the minority to shape a union's law and policy to prevent being controlled by the larger majority. Please learn and take note any union can only be saved by a veto vote!




                                                                                                       Brexit the Celtic Exit

Brexit is England’s majority choice the only nation in the UK that has a mainstream independent media voice, 'but Wales voted for Brexit' is what they will say, but still don’t mention that Wales has the most English people outside of England in the UK diluting the Welsh people’s democratic say, with Scotland and Northern Ireland voting no, where did their democratic rights go? 'Oh no', say the English establishment 'we are all one UK', even though Scotland and Ireland voted to stay, 'we vote as one UK nation', says the English nation, knowing that they can railroad the vote due to their vast population, 'but answer me this', say England as they continue to resist, 'why vote to leave one union and stay in another, where is your freedom then?' This is the Celtic nations reply, 'we have no oppressive history with Europe so they have no agenda to apply, who do not deny then try to constantly justify, and we do not have to just simply comply as we will be treated equally with a veto vote to support a minority not railroaded by England because of their majority'.



     English Controlled UK Media

'He who controls the media controls the minds of the public'. Noam Chomsky



                                                                                               Internalized Racism

Internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated, the indoctrinated, believing the lie that your oppressor has stated, influencing the minds of the simple minded, who through the oppressor's media become deaf and blinded, repeated so much over time that the fool thinks using it against themselves is perfectly fine. It’s a sad sight to behold when the fool owns their own slander that they have been told, at what point does this thinking get old? Challenge the slander that you’ve been sold, give some back with facts be brave be bold, conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy from an oppressed minority, but if you accept this shit you become no more than a nobody that supports the status quo. So challenge your foe and grow, reject the seeds that they sow, make sure you leave Wales in a better place before you go, if you can’t do it for yourselves, then do it for your children, so don’t let it go, preventing this slander going to our children, is a debt we all owe, or feel the effects, if you put up this, your children are next.




                                                                                                             Celtic Diversity

The Celtic nations are not just one homogenous white population there are a multitude of people from ancestries of every conceivable nation they are diverse and varied all coming with their own unique and different stories, there are many ancestries in the Celtic communities, multi-cultural nations built on immigration, yet all have the same Celtic persuasion, there are many backgrounds with a multitude of varied descents to be found, different colours, races and heritage that have settled in the Celtic nations over the ages. So when London discriminate against the Celtic nations they also discriminate against the diversity of the Celtic populations, a double discrimination for a minority in a minority Celtic nation, where you're seen as your race and not a person.




                                                                                         I have seen the Future, but I am not Prophet

I’ve seen the future and it’s a glorious sight when the Celtic nations saw the light that self-determination was their legal right through worldwide internet might and its oversight, brought out of the shadows and into the light, then from no where Scotland did bite, although London's grip was tight, it seemed to happen overnight, ‘there is a way out’ I then heard them say as they marched away with pride that day, ‘no longer will we be yours and forced to stay’ was the voice I heard on that faithful day. Then came the commentary that every union was supposed to be voluntary.

The Celtic nations finally had their say, you do what you do but then you pay. Into isolation England did go to reap the seeds that they did sow, out of the EU and lost the Celtic nations too. England’s demise just because they refused to compromise, listen and modernise, then England itself did break apart when independence for Cornwall and Yorkshire did start. 

Perhaps you should have embraced equality in your so called democracy with more of a power sharing philosophy to guide UK law and policy, spare your apology, who cares, as now I am free in a mature independent nation finally moving on from infantilisation, separation the only logical destination.



                                                                                               That’s not a Mandate for Annexation!

Annexing a country then saying you are now going to take part in our election, of an invading nation, is not a mandate that's just pure and simple political incarceration, a mandate is decided by the electorate of the annexed nation, even done in the Crimea by Russia an authoritarian state, there is no statute of limitations on annexation so it is never too late to alter your fate, where does it say you have a certain amount of time to lodge a complaint, I must have missed that in the small print, did they run out of ink, that’s because no time period has ever been democratically set, it is never too late to adjust and correct. Only a democratic vote is consent to annexation for any annexed nation, a situation which must be allowed for the historic Welsh nation, because of Longshanks invasion and occupation, then Henry the VIII's laws in Wales act, his own unilateral interpretation, denying emancipation and democratic confirmation.

Force is not a mandate that is only coercion and manipulation, and just because it happened a long time ago is no validation, as it is still alive and well, an active annexation, because of this Wales is still controlled today by the majority nation, as the English establishment's possession, a living and breathing annexation that needs resolution and modernization or it will continue to control the next generation, the continued incarceration of the Welsh people's nation, with no democratic consent to provide validation, the ongoing shackles of forced annexation.




                                                                                       English Nationalism in the Guise of Unionism

When does a nationalist become a unionist? Well here’s the twist, when being a unionist aligns with nationalist interests, so then become one and the same, with the same aim, so English nationalism through their establishment can hide when they say they take the unionist side, then being a nationalist and a unionist can easily coexist as each position favours the English nation through manipulation, as saying you’re a unionist provides a false validation to avoid accusation of favouritism towards your own English nation.

Actions speak louder than words, as when your actions do not align with your words then your words have no worth, so if you're a unionist then you must prove it, if you were really a unionist then levelling up the UK nations with all their diverse populations would be top of your list, if it’s not then your mask has slipped, the pretence is stripped, you've stumbled and tripped, because when hiding the nationalist in the flag of a unionist deception persists, as you're exposed by the actions of a nationalist, a counterfeit unionist, and although you've been found out you continue to resist, 'I am a unionist' you will always insist, with the deeds of a nationalist but the words of a hypocrite...




                                                                                                      English Establishment Fools

The English establishment think they have the Celtic nations in check mate, with England ruling the UK state, but in their naivety they are unaware of their fate, they think they have won but it’s already too late, the fool and their pride as the truth is out world wide that they've tried so hard to hide, with the English establishment so desperate to win at all cost, but in doing so are too foolish to know that they have already lost.



                                                                                                              UK Class System

Class is a hierarchy, in the UK you cannot get any higher than the English royal family, that constant in London from century to century a constant thorn in the side of equality, creating a social scale because of identity. London compare their class system to the US to provide some validity yet so Different to America who have multiple and short lived powerful families but first chosen by the people and not by their ancestry, through their democracy such as the Bush's and Kennedy's, as crucially one nation and country historically. Yet in the UK there is an English establishment domination through out the centuries and generations mainly favouring the people of the English nation through identification and affiliation, greater access to opportunity when you're in the majority. 

The UK class system is rotten with the English at the top and the Celtic nations at the bottom, yes, class is connected to UK nationality because class is connected to power and opportunity, favouring the majority at the expense of the minority, with incompetence rewarded because of a random birth in the right family and being a majority ethnicity. The minority Celtic nations look from the outside in with all their talent and ingenuity tossed in the bin, who come with their own internal needs and varied diversity within a Celtic nationality, but all will suffer the same Celtic adversity as a minority. If you really want a more classless society based on ability that boosts the economy not seeing the Celtic people as the ongoing enemy, so the whole of the UK can win, then my friend this is where to begin! 




                                                                                                                         The Multiple Faces of Racism

Only skin colour provides a space to talk about race in the UK state, yet race is defined in law as nationality and ethnicity but only if you are not white can you talk about racial inequality, regardless of if you are a racial minority, with the Celtic nations diverse community. When will London learn that white privilege is an American term, what about the fate of the Irish did white privilege protect them from racial disadvantage? In the UK as a four nation state where America might not relate, as a one nation state, who may not consider a separate internal nationality as a racial priority as they have a different history within one nation and country. 

Yes, white privilege does exist but there is also nationality and ethnicity add to that list, as any racial privilege is about being part of the powerful majority, in America it is white people but as one nation and country with their own history, a different society with one base nationality, yet in the UK the privilege lies with the majority English Anglo-Saxon ethnicity, even though internationally and domestically ethnicity and nationality are clearly protected legally, still England exclude the Celtic nations with their diverse populations out of the conversation regarding equality as a racial minority ethnicity by the powerful majority that prevents UK unity and Celtic equality.



                                                                                                           Where's the Democracy?

Where's the democracy for the Celtic minority, in a diverse Celtic community, with no independent devolved Celtic powers over their own nations media & TV undermining UK democracy, when even the English monarchy call themselves British without the Celtic nations democratic consent, and in parliament, the majority English MPs outnumber the Celtic MP's which prevents a Celtic democracy on UK wide law & policy, oh please, where's the democracy for the Celtic minority?



                                                                                                      Uncle Tom and Aunt Thomasina

An ode to you, Uncle Tom and Aunt Thomasina, you’re the worst of them all making a mockery of those who refuse to crawl, you’re of no consequence and there is no defence making your way at your people’s expense gaining favour with the majority you deny your own people’s equality, take all you can at the expense of your ethnicity your careers more important than your morality. 

Yet that which you condone won’t leave you alone, you heathen, as this system is lying in wait for your children and grand children. I’m sure they will thank you in the fullness of time, when they look back at your life and declare it a crime, history may not always directly repeat, but it sure does rhyme!



                                                                                Countries within a Country what Stupidity!  (long version)

Let’s take a minute to just look at the insanity to add a little much needed clarity, and see what happens when fantasy collides with reality, it is impossible to have a country within a country, as t's clearly contradictory, this is the problem London have with their created fantasy, it is an impossibility, as it has no reason, because any country within a country becomes no more than a region, and no you cannot have a nation within a nation, as this is stupidity, when every nation comes with their own culture, language and history, and in reality, on the island of Britain there have always been three, yet London need to define the UK as one nation and country fantasy to ensure their domination through their majority population creating English legislation that applies to every UK nation, with the term UK or Britain created by the English establishment unilaterally, in their interests, as a UN paper exercise politically, that has never been defined democratically, but a State is just a political entity, nationality is from the heart, and is only felt culturally, with country being defined geographically, which is why there could never be one country or nation unity, as you cannot be patriotic to a paper fantasy, that has no substance when exposed to any scrutiny. Only the UK as an equal four nation State has any validity, to inspire a patriotic commonality as one community, yet it cannot be based on paper but in physical reality, culturally, so when they try to pretend and deny just look them in the eye and tell them it's a lie, as only on logic, the evidence and truth you rely.




Intelligence is about creative developments, academically is just about a good memory, to pass a test, but that’s not what will separate you from the rest, just quoting other people's work keeps creativity supressed, new ideas from a different perspective, originality, that’s what will develop and progress our society to enhance our prosperity. Develop and think outside the box when you copy someone else you've already lost.




                                                                                                             Does God exist?

Take a look around sometime, just sit in field and observe, is all this beauty something we really deserve, look at the detail how all things are interconnected, so perfectly crafted, the trees and the seas, the sun and the moon, the day and the night, all so smooth, correct and perfectly right, every season, everything here for a reason, not one that does not belong, the soil and the plant the bird and their song, yes I do believe that there is something going on, the only planet with life where we all can belong, as it’s perfect you see, it seems just to considered to have happened accidently, if this were true I would look up to the planets and see someone new, almost like me, that should also have happened over time just randomly. 

So for me God does exist, he is there in the wind and the rain the soil and the air, his fingerprints are present everywhere, so never despair because of his care, as to have such a gift shows how precious we all must be, everybody, if everything is here for a purpose then so are we, so follow your own path and it will set you free, we are all here for a reason so what is to be must be, you can call it fate or your destiny.



                                                                                                                Light the way

Shine the light of truth into the shadows as with that light others may see the way, so pray, everyday, you will encounter glimpses of hell along the way that tells you the meaning of fright in that perpetual night where demons come like moths to a flame, saying 'it’s you who are to blame', they call you by name. 

Yet go into the darkness it's necessary to carry the light of equality, then that which was feared is now conquered and that which was the mighty beast is now the least, light the way for all to see that they may follow and finally break free.

We’re all sinners everyone you and me, yet we’re worthy, so light the way as the darkness of ignorance we all must slay with a price to pay as the darkness does not want the light to stay. Being first is always rotten yet once the track is lit and trodden the path of truth will not be forgotten.

So smile as you navigate your way safe in the knowledge that the Lord will always have his say, he is the potter and we are the clay, light the path of truth lead the way, follow that trail, balance that scale, with the Lord Jesus Christ on your side you can never fail.




                                                                                                Wales to Decide the Prince of Wales

Monarchy, monarchy, please love my monarchy, are the screams I hear from London on my London TV, but wait a minute, let me see, do we live in a democracy, is this the twilight zone where I am being told that my nation’s name is something I don’t even own, with an English monarch who celebrates my country’s oppression with the title of the prince of Wales that’s not even his possession, it's at the Welsh peoples discretion, taken from Wales then handed down in England from generation to generation as a representation of annexation without any permission. 

The monarchy is at the core of an English identity but for Wales it represents an ongoing tragedy where a stolen title can be situated in London that constantly reminds us of the Welsh people’s annexation from a free territorial nation replaced with subjugation and alienation, then you quote your polls as validation when 22% of the Welsh population are from the English nation with no independent Welsh media representation to provide a balanced and equal Welsh conversation. 

If Wales wants a London English monarchy they must finally be asked in a modern democracy, just ridding the Celtic nations of their own royal family does not make England a British monarchy, the insanity, when did stealing become acceptable and totally unmentionable where no one is allowed to state the obvious fact that the prince of Wales title is stolen through murder and violence and we want control of it back, with the opportunity to provide some democratic authority as the prince of Wales title is not England’s property. 

O' then you say he does a charity called the Prince's trust with some persistence, but it's just as the figurehead to validate his existence, all royals do the same, they even deleted Wales out of the Prince's Trust name, to try to use this charity as validation for the theft of a title is lame, and even though he is personally wealthy he doesn't contribute any regular money, also here is something that we all must face, as we fund the royals, they are actually the charity case.

The Prince of Wales title must be the Welsh people’s choice, so allow their voice, as it's a representation of their own nation, with progress to a modern democracy free from the shackles of a restricted history, to finally move forward and turn the pages, as here’s the news, we no longer live in the middle ages!





                                                                                                  The King of England, not Britain

The king of England is the king of England not the king of Britain, you cannot be a King of another nation without no democratic validation. The royals historical seat of power lies in London and that is in England, because if the English royalty did not subjugate the Celtic monarchies then they would still exist to this day in Welsh and Scottish society, if they had their autonomy in a democracy. When did theft become consent, stolen titles and land have no legitimacy or deals done under the threat of barbarity, you know if a deal has no validity when the other side has no option but to agree! Where even James was a puppet king that did not change a thing made to dance because of the threat to England from France, never the king of an independent Scotland just a pawn of England where his hands were bound.

To propose some further much needed clarity there cannot unilaterally be a monarchy to a different nationality in a modern democracy when England is a separate entity to a Celtic nationality with a different Anglo-Saxon ethnicity, we all have a separate language, culture and history, one the majority and the others the minority, with consent required from each UK nationality, individually, so as not to be outnumbered by the English majority. What an hypocrisy, when the English monarchy are not subject to democracy yet unilaterally claim to embody the Celtic ethnicity different nations and countries. Randomly being born into a certain family does not make you the king of another recognized country in a so called democracy. In the modern world hear the message sent you cannot represent without specific democratic consent, there is no royal representation without democratic validation.




                                                                                                                   Who am I?

When you’ve been under someone else’s boot for so long you forget who you are and where you belong, am I English or am I not, I’ve been held down so long I think I’ve forgot. I guess I’m British that’s what they always say, I’ve been thinking so hard but I can’t remember my way, am I Saxon or am I Celtic, what is my identity, there’s confusion you see, as I think I am you, yet I am sure I am me, was there something I wanted to be, I can’t be sure perhaps I’ll remember one day, perhaps at some point I’ll remember my way. I thought I heard a whisper of hope beyond these walls, but I just can’t recall, was it what I thought that I was, or might have been, or perhaps that thought was all but a dream?



                                                                                                          The indigenous Britons

The Celtic people are the Indigenous people of Briton, the original Britons, before the Anglo-Saxons and the Romans, as after the Romans had left the Anglo-Saxons came to colonize pushing the native Celts to the north and the west. Then once England had been formed as a territorial nation, and despite centuries of confrontation, they eventually gained control of the Celtic nations, through subjugation, with the largest population, and just to correct what London have written, we are all from Africa so would have to go through Europe to get to Briton.

Yet the fact remains that the Celts were the native people at the time of colonization by Denmark and Germany who then became England to become the Majority, then in smaller territories the native Celts became the minority, but with a different identity, yet constantly haunted by the same tyranny, and from that day on the Celtic people were placed into obscurity to eventually become just a footnote in history.




Wales in Purgatory

A nation in limitation, not allowed a licence for an independent media or a normal functioning Bank, both billion dollar industries that Wales need but all centralised into London because of their greed, yes, that same old story, purgatory, a Welsh reality, denied access to prosperity by London inequality, with England’s interests always the priority, HS2 as the prime indication ignoring the whole of Wales as a Nation, if you want keep a country in poverty then deny them opportunities in the lucrative industries, including restricting infrastructure which stifles development so there is no accessibility for a manufacturing industry throughout all of the country, yet to build Wales are restricted financially with limited borrowing powers on their economy, that blocks free movement of goods and people limiting the Welsh nations appeal from further afield.

To cap it all off, and this is the key, UK law and policy are decided by London with 543 English MPs as the majority against 32 from Wales who are always the minority, rigging the scales, no wonder in the UK Wales always fails. Floating in purgatory a nation and country only by name keep going where you're going and the outcomes the same. 




                                                                                                               Celtic Silence?

Are you silent or are you being silenced? Well, let’s look at the facts and look at what the Celtic people lack, in order to be heard you need a devolved independent media, which the Celtic nations do not possess so are left in the media wilderness. Yet free speech is vital for democracy but what happens if you do not have any, even in your own nation, to explain your situation, as anything you have to say can be shut down and ignored leaving any issues neglected to remain unexplored. 

How are you supposed to raise a concern or provide information when you don't even have a devolved independent media voice in your own Celtic nation, controlled by the English establishment with their discrimination and manipulation, which is easy to do when somebody else is speaking for you, as they tell your story, with an inequality so self-evidently based on nationality, with no independent right of reply to challenge the UK central government if they are bias or lie. The Celtic nations have been edited out denied a shout, then they say we are silent so there is no demand, when the Celtic people’s voice has been permanently banned.




People in complicity are the worst sort of enemy, as they are one of them but they seem like me, undermining solidarity and their community working against their own minority for the majority, but where’s your morality enhancing your career you sell your soul to gain economically. I can deal with some apathy when you feel so powerless against the majority, but not complicity, as that is duplicity against your own ethnicity, a conscious choice to validate the oppressing majority voice, with a fake authenticity, as you look and sound like me but without the morality, used by the majority to imply a fake unity. 

How are things going to improve for your minority when you undermine their path to equality, you increase their misery, the worst sort of enemy, as you go down as a Judas in the annals of history.


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UK Gesture Politics 

UK wide politics is gesture politics those London tricks, if you have no meaningful and consistent influence how are you meant to represent your constituents. A fake democracy for the Celtic nation’s MPs, just there in the UK parliament as a symbolic gesture for the sake of appearance when in a majority vote makes little or no difference.

England make any UK law call as not enough numbers for the Celtic nations means they may as well have no vote at all, with no meaningful power to provide validation, vastly outnumbered by England as Token nations when just making up the numbers is not representation. Tyranny can happen in a rigged democracy when it's based on nationality and a different ethnicity, and don’t just take it from me it’s there for all to see, a gesture democracy lost in hypocrisy.




                                                                                                            The Impossible Patriot

The patriot of what and who, you can’t live in a fantasy that bears no resemblance to reality where London try to say the UK is one country and nationality. The UK as one country what a fantasy, how do I know this to be true, well because the Celtic Nations exist, and England do too. The UK is not one nation a lie that you cannot deny, so when you ask people to choose you will always lose, yes, we can be patriotic to a UK as a four nation state, where each UK nation is acknowledged so can resonate, but as one nation and country people cannot relate, you see, when you ask them to be patriotic to a fantasy term called Britain there’s a unique complication, as you’re insisting they deny their true birth nation that was around long before this UK creation. If say to pick one then the union is done, yet to be a patriot to both your nation and union there must be no confusion between state and nation, perhaps London will now have some clarification, a UK state with four different nations.



The Power of You

You are one person, but then so was my Lord, who fought hate and tyranny, with the word, not the sword



Welsh Sheepshaggers

O' that English establishment lie, then when you look for the source they're the first to deny, hiding in the shadows like withering cowards, always afraid to show their face and take the blame for that bestiality disgrace, who then deny any racism by just remaining hidden to prevent any responsibility for their verbal hostility, as the only enemy in all of Welsh history who have the necessary power to ensure anonymity, when even the word shag is an English terminology.

Yet, when you're dealing with cowards who will not admit culpability you’re forced to rely on the law of probability, I don't want to be Sherlock Holmes but it looks like I gotta be, when race is also defined by law through nationality, a fact, clearly stated in the Equality and human rights act, yes this racism I'm calling it out, like when in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt. 

Backstabbers and haters those racial stereotype dictators, inciters, those little Englanders, demeaning their closest geographical threat with the lies that they spread, leading to racial internalization, but then also provides ammunition for any other nation to use their words of hate and humiliation for discrimination, forcing further devastation on the psyche of a minority nation. 

What an abomination, with their whispers, winks and insinuation, sly to the end who deny any media right of reply to defend, always your enemy but say they're your friend, those hate inciters, those rumour designers, destroying the reputation of a minority nation with their media control to prevent retaliation, or any clarification, with no devolved independent media for any Celtic nation, yet if you're going to spread it, and condone it, then at least have the courage to own it! 

Cowards and racists of the highest order spitting out venom across their national border, how brave you are picking on a smaller race then like a coward you run and deny to hide any trace, chuckling to yourselves, we’ll keep them in their psychological place, that uncivilized and uncultured minority race.



The British Empire

Is it possible to be the oppressed and the oppressor? Well put simply, not really, as by definition the oppressed do not have the autonomy to act individually away from the central controlling English establishment authority, it’s impossible to have a different agenda or policy because the oppressor does not know the meaning of equality. If they did you wouldn’t be oppressed in the first place, so know your place, there are consequences to face, an open and shut case. Despite all attempts to fight off invasion once you are in subjugation you then become part of the system of domination under the control of an opposing nation. 

As a Celtic person I know what it’s like to be under someone else’s central authority, so I come with an empathy, when every avenue is manipulated and blocked to finally break free creating a dependent psychology and a distorted identity you’re a hostage to history, subject to apathy, I know this because you are me, and that’s why I offer my sincerest apology...


Independence for Wales?

If I’m free, this must be up to me if I want to be someone else’s property this must be confirmed by me through democracy, as consent is key. Not preventing democracy systemically by using London’s 543 English MPs to control UK sovereignty, a system created in a different century, taking us out of the EU, so London can control all other UK laws too, then the English establishment say I’m too poor for independence, which is something you made me be, through underdevelopment preventing my prosperity, and what about currency, you hint that you will prevent me from using yours but to this do this you know that there are no laws, even though London will have you believe that the Euro is unstable, a fable, and only available to people in the EU, which is not true, as any nation can use the Euro and the dollar too, these facts I know you never knew, with the London media selecting a bias view. All this needs explaining, so don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining. When all is said and done, independently, in a so called democracy, regardless of your constant fear and negativity, my independence isn’t up to you, it’s up to me!




UK wide democracy does not exist

We need to talk, we need a conversation, although London do have media domination, but democracy for the majority nation is not a democracy for all UK nations as what about the Celtic nations aspirations, to say majority rule in the oddity of a four nation state where the majority are all the same nationality, with a common commonality, with an obvious dis-advantage numerically to democracy for the Celtic minority. 

It’s no coincidence that the UK nations regularly vote for different leaders and politicians, yet who ever England vote for as the majority nationality will also get control over the Celtic nations sovereignty through a parliamentary majority, but wait doesn't that make England a de facto independent sovereign state, with England’s 543 MPs keeping the Celtic people controlled and down on their knees, that’s not a democracy for all UK citizens it’s just a democracy for the majority Anglo-Saxon nationality.

The Celtic nations are not here just to obey, as there is no democracy in the UK until all UK nations get a meaningful & consistent democratic say, their voice and choice in a so called democratic society where the Celtic nations finally have some decisive input on UK wide decision making ability, the only way to create unity, and to provide validity, not deleted by ethnicity, that racism, out numbered as a token minority, when unilaterally England get to control all UK law and its policy.

There can be no rationality for systemic inequality based on UK nations ethnicity, unless, of course, you are the majority nationality, in which case this is a fantastic opportunity, when just making up the numbers for a Celtic nation was never representation, that London creation based on discrimination which makes a great situation for the English Nation!



           A  Self-determination Vote for Wales

Well Mercy, Mercy, Mercy me, London have imprisoned Wales and thrown away the key!!!

That’s not democracy that’s hypocrisy, self-determination is a basic human right, with Wales hidden out of sight as a forgotten nation, an incarceration, being held without any consent in a so called democratic society, a hostage to history, because of a minority nationality and different ethnicity, evidently, with self-determination a figment of the imagination, as the majority nation decides this, who have decided that Welsh rights just don't exist.

Then on top of this London say that Wales is no longer a colony because of annexation and then Henry the VIII's unilateral declaration, with no democratic validation,  from that generation to this generation, and how can Devolution be self-determination when all the restrictions are decided by London?

What an abomination to self-determination, as Wales is an ongoing colony with no meaningful UK representation through being a minority UK nation, the continued oppression, against all international legislation, with Wales the oldest nation in civilization that has never been allowed a democratic vote on their own self-determination.

Mercy, Mercy, Mercy me, can I live in a fair democracy or if not then set us free!




           Teach Free Speech

UK Independent free speech is about access to information independent of the majority nation.

Independent free speech has gone missing in action, as where’s the independent mainstream media reaction, this makes a mockery of a so called free society when the only mainstream media voice has the same nationality, which denies validity, where’s the independent media choice when it comes to information if even the  regional media has a London connection, with no devolved independent media to any Celtic nation, leading to control of the narrative and misinformation from only one majority nation, which cannot be challenged with an independent alternative interpretation, with no balanced independent media debate from within a London controlled media state. Free speech has been denied for so long that people didn’t even know it had gone, with no devolved media platform to inform, I suppose you don’t miss what you never had, but you can’t call yourself a UK democracy in a London controlled media monopoly.

Free speech is an impossible concept to estimate and articulate in a four nation union state, when only one majority voice is allowed to dictate.

That's why you will never see me on London TV in a so called free democracy...






                                                                                  The UK is not one country or a nationality obviously 

British is a citizenship not a nationality or a country, Britain is the island that we live on, geographically, and the UK as a union state is decided in London politically through England's 543 MPs as the vast majority Anglo-Saxon ethnicity, but nation is defined culturally with language and history that provides an identity, as the UK is not a singular nation it cannot be a singular nationality, or an ethnicity, I hope this has provided some much needed clarity.

UK nationality is a London majority political strategy, created artificially, to delete the Celtic minority with all their diverse communities out of UK democracy, decided by England as the vast majority, but you can’t be countries within a country as this has no reason because this reduces those countries to the value of a region, yet must have a more equal say under equality as internationally UK sovereignty relies on all four UK nations to provide its validity, not just England with their de facto sovereignty as the majority, and don't talk to me about the Montevideo convention when the UK actually pre-dates its invention, with London manipulation providing their own interpretation, and while we're here lets set the record straight that a country is not a political state, as to be country you have to be a cultural nation, just look at the dictionary definition for clarification.

So if you keep on telling me that my nation does not exist then my only response must be to resist. I am Welsh, Irish, Scottish or English, don’t call be British as this is a political term, a citizenship, which can lead to confusion, so when you say in the interests of 'the country' do you mean England, or the whole UK union? You cannot delete out another historical national identity just because you want the UK to be one nationality to favour your 85% English population strategy, so each minority Celtic nation's democracy is not recognised individually when diluted into the vast English majority, with a UK nationality which is not based in cultural fact, it’s just decided in London as a political act, as only equality can tame national identity, before it's too late in a four nation state, with more equal UK powers on UK decision making ability to provide a modern sustainable Unity.

Acknowledge difference and celebrate the diverse UK Nations as a valued force or let the breakup of the union take its natural course, here’s a word to the wise, celebrate and value the minority Celtic nations or risk your demise, have I given you a clue, empower all our nations to finally provide a modern union glue, because If you deny us then we deny you...   




                                                                                                               Anglo-Saxon V's Celtic identity

One of your own, O' the groan, as that ain't me, I know because you tell me constantly, you brand me British but all you see is my Celtic ethnicity, with all our diverse communities, which is it to be, am I a friend or your historical enemy, for your benefit you keep us together, what ever the weather, whether I'm one of you or one of the other. As I am a Celtic Ethnicity, a minority within a majority in an uneven democracy favouring the Anglo-Saxon ethnicity with our different history and national identity, one as the powerful majority and the others as an oppressed minority.

Hear me now as I have my say, the only way to unity is more UK power equality, but it seems that I'll always be me and you will always be you, and you know this too, which is why one of me don't make any deals, I'm not in the room when you decide who is who and what is what, on my behalf, your behalf, it's all just a laugh for your own when you consider wealth allocation or a loan, or not, with the power to keep the lot, which you do, with different interests and an English nationalist point of view, pretending to be me, whilst always being you with wealth allocation decided only by you. What's a Celtic nation to do, the only way would be to try something new, yet if pushed into independence then the UK is through!




                                                                                                       The Immoral and Morals

How do you teach morality to the immoral who have no concept of right or wrong, a place where morals simply do not belong, because what is right with morality, may be wrong for you personally, financially, so if it doesn’t benefit you what are you to do? The concept of morality would seem stupid to the immoral, do something that does not benefit me for the wider good, they must be misunderstood, that’s not morality that’s just plain stupidity, when I lie it's just part of the game for my own gain, make hay whilst the sun shines, what’s yours is yours and what’s mine is mine, why wouldn’t I exploit to my best advantage. 

I think I will leave this idea of morals to somebody else, as it’s too complex for me you see, with this term called equality, because if I give to you I take from me, so in the end I conclude, that this notion of morality just looks like insanity.




   Death Comes to Us All

Well here I am on my deathbed I lay, I know I’m going, maybe tomorrow, could be today, with the seconds and minutes remorseless as they tick away, my time is now and I except my fate, but whatever I desired or wanted to achieve, it’s now too late.

The wise person thinks of their death regularly, not for morbid fascination but to remind themselves that there is an end, as there was a beginning, and in between those times is where we lay so use this time carefully without any delay, be wise as tomorrow’s not certain, so live life today find your way don't care what they say, or be tormented with remorse and regret, whilst you pass away.




                                                                                               UK Sovereignty that ongoing Fallacy

The UK is a sovereign state with England deciding its sovereign fate, but all UK nations with all their diversity share UK sovereignty as constituent members of the UN family, so it must not be controlled by just one nationality, in a four nation state where nationality controls its fate?

So now you see as the truth sets you free, that in reality, all UK nations own UK sovereignty, as none are independently one nationality but all within one shared UK sovereignty, with an equal validity, as there is no such thing as a sovereign hierarchy regardless of a nation's size or financial capacity. Yet controlled by the UK parliament's English majority deciding UK law, and UK policy, but where's the equality for the Celtic minority, as UK sovereignty is not owned by England as their ultimate property, that ongoing fallacy, it belongs to us all, each UK nationality, you and me, and to all the people's of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon ethnicity.

It's the people's sovereignty that provides it's legitimacy, but if just one UK nation unilaterally chooses then it has no validity. So don't undermine a Celtic nationality just because you say that we have no sovereignty, let it be known, let the seeds be sown, that this is something that we all do own. 

​                                                                                                                     L.W.Jones


                                                                                                   London Media Repeat to Defeat

Repeat the repeat and then repeat again, keep on repeating until the message gets in, it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, just repeat the attack and keep on repeating until the repeat becomes fact, and if you didn’t catch what I repeated before, have a guess what, I’ll repeat it some more, to get into your brain, I’ll repeat the repeat again and again, until I’m inside your mind, not too obvious but the subtle kind, with my media and politics that will leave you blind, so when you think what you think, it’s me you will find, the repeated grind. Then you lose your will to critique and defend and just accept that what I say is true in the end, then in your defeat just to make sure that the message is completely complete, concise and neat, I’ll just continue to rewind and repeat.





                                                                                                        Confidence and Identity

Confidence and identity are both interconnected, so attacks on your identity means your confidence is affected, as one thing we all posses is a national identity, or identities, with all our diversity, our base nationality or a common ancestry, that describes who we are culturally and even firmly outlines and defines our own specific ethnicity.

As confidence is key to the idea of possibility, which promotes capacity, that increases prosperity, but I just can't take it from you and give it to me, it must be earned honestly and with integrity, as confidence is earned through unimpeded success and good deeds, that's what sows the confidence seeds.

A confident person expects to be treated with respect, even though we may never have met just yet, but if you show constant disrespect a confident person can interject to correct because sustained disrespect will not go unchecked.

Confidence shows when confronting your foes, when you defend who you are your confidence grows, which allows you to know, that you'll be fine and succeed where ever you go.

So anything that attacks national confidence must be exposed and acknowledged to ensure that you keep from collecting any negative baggage, yet this will take courage, but when you publicly stand up to racial abuse for your community, when you do what you do and your people see, then a confident you means confident me. 



The English Establishment

The Majority Powerful in the UK are English who make up the core Establishment and are the Gatekeepers of UK Power, the empire builders, defined by their Anglo-Saxon ethnicity with England control gained so totally historically through the English monarchy that has handed to London their UK power and control of UK sovereignty, that English monopoly, used to make decisions without the consent of the Celtic minority, a useless democracy, that can only apply to England as the massive majority, an English establishment with inherited power and favour over UK law and the economy, but based on their own nationality, because of their majority they set the policy, but where's the equality? 

O' what a travesty, and don't just take it from me, it's there for all to see, that national identity locating prosperity with Celtic nations forever flirting with poverty, an English not British establishment, when said with simplicity, as the Celtic nations have no central power as an English commodity, that prevents the possibility of knowing our true potential with all our combined amazing ability, with all our diversity, a missed opportunity, if we only had unity based on equality.

To Clarify, it Cannot be a British Establishment as the Celtic Nations have No Meaningful and Consistent Direct Central UK Power. Yet as they reap the seeds that they sow, our combined talent we will never know, whilst we drift apart as separate nations divided by all kinds of discriminations, with the same inequality from the same nationality, with this lack of equality the circle of life, our dearly departed, as we end up right back as separate independent nations, where we originally started. 



                                                                                                           A Union of One

Democracy is great, and it must be so, but how do you allow the voices of the minority UK nations to grow, and be heard, without being constantly ignored and hindered by simply being vastly outnumbered, yet a veto vote is an equal vote, to balance out population's, that would provide equal power to all UK nation's, it's not perfect, this is obviously true, but if it works for the EU, as their union glue, then why wouldn't it work for the UK too? As London were happy to use it for years when in the EU, to help in the times when they were outnumbered as the minority few, which allowed them to validate their own point of view, but in London this is seen as taking away their dominant power, meaning their influence then becomes lower and lower. ​

As all options we must explore if we want to unify our union of four, but you must show that you really do care about being fair, which can only be done by being willing to share, but if you refuse to share, because you don't care, then put an end to this continuous worry and strife, and let us get on with our own separate lives.

You see, if there's loads more of you than there is of me, how can this be a fair democracy? As democracy is all about the number's, but what happens when there are four different sized union member's? You must take into consideration that Britain is not made up of just one vast majority nation, who have the most population, so in a combined UK vote they will continue to ensure their sustained domination, and simply say 'it's just our version of democracy at work', whilst looking your way with a knowing smirk.

But this is berserk, this isn't how democracy is supposed to work, in a union of four, with your combined democracy keeping the Celtic nations underdeveloped and poor, what's democracy for, if not to ensure a voice for the poor, and different factions, that can be totally drowned out in UK wide elections, that allows one vast majority nation to continue to decide the UK direction, with the Brexit vote as a prime indication.

If there's three of me and fifty five of you, what am I to do, as in a majority vote your voice will always win through, as it seems a bit sly to try to deny that England's population means that they get to decide who gets a piece of the pie, using their London media to prevent a minority Celtic reply from those who defy with a justified cry, to try to improve change and modify, through England who are meant to be our closest ally, but in the absence of change the Celtic nations only option is to say 'we're done' with this union of one, and all of a sudden, then there were none?...



                                                                                                                London's Blame Game

The indignity of blaming your servant when you are the central controller, the master, to avoid a national reputational disaster, by using the Celtic nations as insulation against direct accusation when they had no power or control of the Empire’s direction, to suggest that the servant can direct the master is an obvious non-starter, as London control their empire as the creator and dictator. How can a Celtic nation have their own national agenda on slavery and empire, as subjugated nations, without any power, ruled through fear, how can you deny, when London said 'jump', their reply was 'how high'! 

In the interest's of clarity, as with all conquered people's there will be individuals in history, independently of their wider nationality, who will try to gain favour and wealth with their new powerful monarchy, through flattery, pretention, and outright dishonesty, selling out themselves, their people, and their own ethnicity, to avoid the pain of a personal poverty. The same as many people in the subdued commonwealth fraternity, with many people engaging enthusiastically with their new all powerful London authority. Yet it's only if you are a Celtic nation that this is seen as complicity, from some people who don't know their history, with the Scottish alien act and Welsh annexation to create that English establishment power and direct domination.

Remember that Britain does not exist as an actual cultural nation only a political term created by London to imply implication, a false unification, with the Celtic nations still having little or no power or mainstream media representation. I'm happy to accept equal responsibility if in London there was an equal equality for the Celtic minority, but it’s a sly thing to do, as when it comes to accountability they also blame you! Yes, the Celtic nations where involved in Empire and slavery but only as a subjugated Celtic minority, before they subjugated you they subjugated me, do you really think that the Celtic nations and majority England had any equality, with any Celtic autonomy, what a thing to say the Celtic nations don't have any UK wide power even today! 

Can such London behaviour be the saviour of England's national honour, or can the truth come to the rescue of the Celtic nation’s reputations from those constant accusations, as in the end, when there’s nothing to gain, only the shame remains, the stain, but you’re not doing it in my name again and again, you own your own shame as we are not equally the same, yet you expect the Celtic nations to take equal blame

What constant insanity to suggest that a nation under someone else's control have any say over policy, especially their historical enemy, an impossibility as London control sovereignty with the Celtic nations a subdued minority, with a separate racial ethnicity to the Anglo-Saxon majority, and a different history, one the majority and the others the minority who don't control their own destiny. London take the profit and glory, but when it’s time for accountability, you rewrite the story!




                                                                                                           Fear of Change

When did logic become toxic and new ideas become feared, when did improvement become unnecessary, and empathy a luxury, who benefits from staying the same and keeping the status quo, sowing the seeds that they sow, when did thinking become unthinkable and knowing become unknowable, making change undoable, as change is constant, so it should be inevitable.

When did change become so feared and strange, and a new direction become so out of the question, as without fairness there is no progression, and when did constantly staying the same, become so sane, the ongoing pain, when in reality it's the definition of insanity, and when did our thoughts only reflect the dominant media voices, directly directing our chances and our choices. 

So when did the mirror image become so misunderstood, where our right is left and bad is good, when did complicity become a necessity, and simplicity become such complexity, with morality the first obvious casualty, what ever happened to common sense as a form of defence against pretence creating order out of confusion and nonsense, what a tragedy to see, that doing nothing through fear and apathy became our only undeniable strategy.

As when you’re doing okay you want the system to stay, so then you can hand down your privilege to your children one day. It’s easy to want things to remain the same, when you’re one of the one's that don't feel any pain, but if the system stays the same, there's only your silence to blame for your poverty, your mockery, and shame, as it's then in your name, so you can't deny and complain, when your children ask why they got handed the same...



                                                                                                 Not anti-English just pro-Fairness

Not anti-English just pro-fairness, your highness, if there were equality, you would never even of heard of me. It doesn’t matter who the favoured ones are, all that matters is that opportunity is allowed to be spread wide and far, outside of the favoured people and Anglo-Saxon race, I’m still waiting for a prime minster without a white face, which will be good for every minority race, as that person will know the hardship they face, if you’re not one of them, or come from the same place, with their all encompassing favour and grace, unless of course they're an uncle Tom, in which case, I might well be wrong!

Yet, this isn't about being a unionist or a nationalist, or even an idealist, it’s about being a realist, to create a level playing field of equal opportunity, regardless of ethnicity, but based on ability. As favouritism is the dictionary definition of nationalism, restricting free market capitalism, as this favouritism is based on connection, through private education, establishment relations and association within their own favoured nation, with a strategic nodding token selection, that ensures separation and alienation, through restriction, obstruction and class limitation.

O' the complicity, don’t think we don’t see, as fairness creates equality that ensures a unity, that provides a stability, but while you live in the past you take your eye off the ball which is when the united kingdom will stumble and fall.

What a society, based in the past, while the favoured group hope that their colonial benefits last, although the United Kingdom is crumbling fast, as a union of glass, but could it be saved by fairness at the very last gasp, or will England just try to desperately cling to the past, hoping their old glory days will last and last. But in todays internet era were information is clearer, you best believe, that on this I'm betting, if you keep on doing what you're doing, you'll be getting what your getting!



                                                                                                     Reputation Assassination

Reputation is a curious thing, it can make a demon of one and the other a king, it can sell a company, or break one too, it even has the power to demoralise you, it says more about them than it does about you, this may be true, but this doesn't erase the trouble you go through.

What people say doesn't matter that much to me, individually, but when its negativity about my ethnicity it will influence the view in my wider community, and the outside view of what and who we maybe, and when said repeatedly, it erodes people's dignity, disrupting identity. I suppose whether we like it or not it matters a lot, as many of these things may not be forgot, a reputational rot.

I know we can't control what people say, with the hate they display, that leads to decay, if you leave it alone, it's you who will pay, yet if you know what it is and it is a lie, then it's up to you to expose and deny.

As the instigators biggest fear is being exposed, so be brave and stand firm when confronting your foes, have the courage to reconstruct your image, that prevents the wreckage by removing the baggage with a different message.

You see, the fact that they are hiding means you have already won, so expose the wrongdoer, then your job here is done!



                                                                                                         Stereotypes Bite

A stereotype can very rarely be true, as it must be something that they all will do, unless of course there’s bad intention, making a repeated negative stereotype a necessary invention, against a perceived threat, designed to upset, to try to undermine and pigeonhole, an attack of the soul, but when is a stereotype a PC word for racism, well obviously, when it’s a negative against another race or nation.

Yet always remember to look for the source of the hate, don’t let them escape by just accepting your fate that's narrated through hate, designed to shame, demean and humiliate. Yet if you do accept then you validate, then it’s you that is complicit in your vulnerable state, as stereotypes can be used as a weapon of hate, always remind yourself that mental health is wealth, don’t allow it to be eroded and attacked by stealth.

So refuse to be afraid to open the debate where it’s finally you that gets to narrate, inform and update, it’s never too late to set the record straight, if what they are constantly saying involves you, then you better believe that you have the right to reply with your own point of view, when they stereotype you it's your children too, feel free to take offence using common sense as your greatest defence.



​                                         ​                                                                     Britishness

Britishness is such a vague enigma a plural of nations that tries to be a singular, as there cannot be one national definition of the characteristics of four different nations, with different languages and history, one Anglo-Saxon and the others a Celtic ethnicity, the majority and the minority, amalgamation only has the characteristics of the majority nation, so British and English mean the same population.

Britishness cannot be whatever distinguishes British people and culture from other nations, as they themselves are four different cultures and nations, you see, British as one nation is a created fantasy by England with their laws on nationality created through their majority, but that's just politically, so a citizenship, yet nation is decided culturally, through descent, language and history, when the act of union was a collaboration not an extermination of each UK nation.

Britishness has the characteristics of a four nation state, I think on this we can all relate, as it's unique to the united kingdom and what makes Britain great, if you do not recognise the Celtic ethnicity you have just deleted them straight out of history, let's expose this engineered confusion that continues to highlight and exalt just one UK nation to the others exclusion.

​                                                                                                                 L.W.Jones


                                                                                                   Questions from the deep

How do you Fight Without Fighting?
How do you Change Without Pain?
How do you Shout Louder than the Lie?
How can you be Heard whilst being Passive?
Who Cares Enough to see beyond themselves?
What will it take to be Free from Clutter, to be able to Focus on the Now?
Is Change so Scary that it Freezes even the Bravest of Souls?
Do we need more than just Enough to Survive or can we Thrive?
Can we see ourselves as we Really are?
Have we the Courage to look in the mirror and see the True Reflection of ourselves peering back?
Is Apathy a Curse of the Multitudes or a Weapon of the oppressor?
Is Light Stronger than the Dark?
Does Hope always prevail over organised Despair?
Why is the Truth so Painful and Unkind?
Is doing Nothing really better than the alternative?
Is Ignorance a Blessing or a Curse?
What Hope is there for the Hopeless, as a broken Spirit can never be repaired
Claim your Dignity and Worth, as it was always yours to Claim
Awake from your Slumber, be allowed to be Appalled, be Angry at your Lot, Rage against your Inheritance
How do you Fight Without Fighting?



                                                                                                         Apathy is Complicity

Apathy and ignorance are closely related if you don’t understand then apathy is created. Apathy is the enemy of common sense, it turns action into acceptance, and acceptance into silence.

So if you ignore common sense it’s at your own expense, in the absence of logic, you take away your only defence,. Apathy is the natural home of the voiceless when they slowly erode their power and choices.

​Doing nothing, means nothing at all, as your apathy builds an impenetrable wall, in your mind, making the people in its grip helpless and blind.

Yet it’s your responsibility to hand down to your children a society that is better than the one that was handed to you, this is your duty, so refuse to succumb to that common enemy, that age old foe, that subtle complicity, that goes by the name of apathy.



                                                                                                      The Brexit Contradiction

London want independence from EU control because they say it’s vital they make their own decisions for Britain as a whole, without this power Britain's left in despair, being constantly controlled by the EU who just don’t care about being fair. Then London go onto declare 'we're never getting our share, their impeding our say, getting in our way on the day to day life of the British people, it’s unreasonable to allow Britain to remain as a vassal state, their taking food off our plate, shutting down debate because of their hate, allowing people to easily migrate, Britain's a subordinate state, their altering the course of our own British fate, LET'S MAKE BRITAIN GREAT!!' 

But wait, this is the same argument that can be used for Celtic independence from London dependence, could it be, that what you see as vital for yourself is something that you should also allow for somebody else? Yet you continue your restriction and domination over every other UK minority Celtic nation, the exact opposite to what you say is a vital consideration for your own liberation?... The Brexit contradiction it's there to see that what's good for you must be good for me, it's called equality!



                                                                                                          Corona Virus 2020

I see grim reapers been busy today, but as bad as that is, and it is, I gotta say, even that ain't as bad as the lives and dreams that poverty and inequality have always taken away, through time and memorial, year after year, day after day, even in a pandemic it's the poor and low paid who will pay as the rich and powerful are here to stay.

Maybe there‘s a reason for everything, so this may be the event that permanent change may bring? Perhaps there’s a method to this madness, as the poor and low paid are acknowledged as vital through all of this sadness, a vital worker with a new definition is it the lords or politicians or the front line worker's occupation with little or no appreciation?

Perhaps the weak ain’t so weak and the strong ain’t so strong, perhaps that old social order is where we’ve always gone wrong. There must be something to learn from this pandemic, or will any lessons just be academic, as the problem's may be way too ingrained and systemic, with the one's who really count never getting the credit. The rich get richer even in a pandemic it's always the same with the poor just a pawn in the rich man's game.




                                                                                                               The Instigator

O', those trouble maker's, the instigator's, the one's who hide in the shade to evade, always denying the trouble they've made, taking great pride in the games that they've played, forever digging holes to trap somebody else, but then always end up tripping, stumbling, and falling in themselves. But never underestimate their ability to devastate, through hate, so don't hesitate or it will escalate, because there’s a lot at stake, as what a positive difference it makes to your mental state, when you confront, expose and then eliminate. 

Always remember to stay calm and get focused when identifying your agitators, oh' those old manipulators, the hate creator's, as knowing your enemy provides the perfect remedy, to all negativity, and is the best place to start, as finding the source can be a creative art, as they slip and they slide in their desire to outwit and outsmart, from their anonymous place in the shadowy dark.

When caught in a lie, their the first to deny, ‘nothing to do with me’ they will say, as they plan and they plot from day to day, impeding and blocking your way, leading your thoughts astray with their cunning word play, keeping all areas grey and undefined, they play with your mind, hiding in the shadows where they know you can’t find them, hidden and veiled to avoid all sanction, constructing confusion, spinning their tales to create the most convincing illusion. As it’s always over there and somebody else, never owning too, the things that they do, when they do what they do...



                                                                                                  Giving is Living

To care through being willing to share is an honour, don’t see it as taking from you leaving you with that little bit less, and don’t just share with only your own, as it's a selfish act, even the demons are able to do that.

Whether your rich or poor bless the person that gives that little bit more, who believes in the value of the other to make us better, and is still willing to share to help relieve the burdens they bare, as we will all encounter trials and pain along the way which makes us the same, with some constantly looking for the other to blame, but it is only in sharing that we all can gain.

As you forgot about wider need in your desire to succeed, yet success is different to what you first thought, which goes against all that you thought you’d been taught, because as bizarre as it may seem, my friend, but it’s only what you give, that you have in the end...



                                                                                                       Greed is a Need Indeed

Greed is the enemy of equality that blinds us to other people’s humanity, as greed can be an incurable disease, because all it wants to do is to please by serving our every insatiable need, but money and power are also connected to a person’s sense of superiority, so it’s a painful dichotomy, as personally if I give to you I take from me, but it's my money that props up my dignity, as my money is me, because of my money they're all quick to agree and this adulation don't come for free, without my money where would I be, no one would ever care about me. 

Yet where's the morality, forcing low paid zero hour contract employment to maximise your own financial enjoyment, as well as others hoarding vast wealth when there are millions in poverty which is nothing short of social depravity, yet to even try to make up for your numerous moral lapses have the decency to pay your fare share in taxes. 

So beware, as this is a cautious tale, because if you’re of a greedy persuasion remember that God's also in the equation at your end destination. Still, I know what you’ll do, you’ll even try to deny and ignore him too, or say 'I never knew', yes I said the taboo, perhaps because of your money he'll listen to you and choose to ignore all the things that you do. Yet look it's true as we look deeper into the universe for some sort of physical clue to find someone new, all we ever find, is just the total uniqueness of me, and you...                                                                            



The London British Media

The British media is a London media, that English establishment monopoly, with all aspects and powers of the media influenced so totally through England's 543 MPs. It's there for all to see, self evidently, as only England has any mainstream UK wide independent TV, with the Celtic nations denied so blatantly, by London's OFCOM, and the BBC with their compulsory licence fee, imposed centrally, or Sky, channel 4 and 5, with ITV, who make their money commercially, through that London media monopoly, influencing all the UK narrative writing ability, with white Anglo-Saxon's as the controlling favoured majority, the editing authority, who direct all media finance and policy. But thankfully, this inequality can now finally be challenged and exposed globally, through easy accessibility of new internet technology. Coz, without inclusive independent media free speech, a balanced perspective will always be out of reach. 

Just look to see, it’s easy, then you’ll understand that if your of Celtic ethnicity, with all its diversity, speech isn't free. An unequal heritage, where London are still able to influence all media coverage, to allow them the advantage of the selective control of all UK information and knowledge. O' what a privilege, to be able to direct the overall narrative to your best advantage. Whilst editing any awkward questions or accountability, as to provide true equality in UK society, through democracy, the Celtic nations must be allowed to speak independently yet with no devolved media autonomy, to widely express their unedited individual concerns and opinions separately, to finally provide some equality against this insanity. Otherwise, if you continue to restrict that media scrutiny, which insures inequality, there can be no future union glue between the UK minority and the vast majority, as where is the equality to provide commonality? 

So how can it be, that in a so called democracy, the unedited views of the Celtic nations is something you may never actually see. Only allowed a directed media regionally, with all the London political parties voices being promoted primarily, so widely and selectively on mainstream TV that restricts our democracy, as the media's called soft power as a result of its subtlety. O' what a continued travesty, that throughout UK history, traditionally, the Celtic nations have not been given any mainstream independent representation, as the media is regularly used as a tool to influence the mass population. But what about transparency and honesty, that's so necessary in building a fair and equal society that can only be achieved through a balanced media democracy, to break that London monopoly, where unimpeded free speech for the Celtic minority, through policy, is finally allowed to be a priority. 



​                                                                                                      The UK Parliament is an English Parliament

​The UK parliament is an English parliament in all but name, yes I said it, but the evidence led it, created and branded as London intended, leaving the Celtic nations influence disbanded, to England’s advantage, it’s hiding in plain sight, all you need to do is focus the light, and expose it, to know that to represent the wider UK, it’s clearly unfit, as only England and London have the direct power to primarily benefit.

It’s all about the numbers you see, if you’re the vast majority, parliamentary, this gives England's interests the priority. As there’s 543 English representatives, with 107 divided between the other three, Celtic ethnicities, with all their diversity, out of 650 UK parliamentary MP’s. Window dressing, a false ceremony, as the minority can be out voted continuously and intentionally, whilst also using London's de facto parliamentary sovereignty, which in reality, can still be used to over rule any devolved Celtic nationality. This London condone when every nationality will tend to favour their own.

So where’s the morality, in a one sided UK democracy, inherently, with critically, other devolved Celtic powers being allocated by the UK parliament, so restrictively, limiting the Celtic nation’s capacity to speak and act independently, with the only London response being ‘let it be as there’s nothing to see, and by the way, in London we also control the UK media and TV, through our UK policy, so there won't be any exposure or clarity, this I guarantee, as I said before there's nothing to see, as any mainstream or regional information will be filtered through me'!

There must be transparency, publicly, regarding this democratic media disparity, that effects the Celtic nations rights and prosperity and UK democracy, as UK laws can be past into policy by the English majority that only benefits the English society and their economy, as evidently, the underdevelopment and silence of the Celtic nations is there for all to see, so blatantly. O', what an obvious discrepancy, in UK democratic sincerity, as the Celtic nations media continues to be controlled so centrally, systemically, but where’s the equality to provide any balance and parity through devolved media autonomy to strengthen UK democracy. When your strategically outnumbered parliamentary, with no independent devolved media voice from the Celtic minority, then UK democracy becomes a formality.





The Author would like to take this Opportunity to Thank the Ten's of Thousands of People around the World that have Engaged with this Website, which is quite amazing as this site has no budget for advertising, or opportunity for exposure on the UK mainstream or regional Media. once again 'Thank you' for your Involvement.  

I​​​​​​​​​f you would like to Contact me to provide Feedback, issue a Donation, Highlight any possible Inconsistencies or for General Enquiries, please use the following E-Mail address - lwjonesbook@outlook.com


Indeed, 'if Literature is a Nation', what does that make a Nation not allowed to Create any recognised classic or even modern Literature due to No-Platforming as Wales does Not have a Devolved Independent Media or any Independent Media as a Nation so cannot Promote any Welsh Talent to create a career for writers, all Publicity controlled centrally by London, England, as they own the UK Media, who Favour their own people and interest's. As Evidenced by an array of Internationally Famous English Literature Writers over the Centuries, Shakespeare 1564-1616, Dickens, Orwell, Fleming, Bronte sisters, Tolkien, Agatha Christie, Virginia Wolf 1882-1941, J.K.Rowling as just a few, a span of over 400 years with NO Recognised Welsh Authors. Even a 'Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day', meaning that if left Unhindered just by the Law of Probability a few Welsh Authors in the Four Century time span (since Shakespeare) to this day must have slipped through at some point to international recognition, unless purposely prevented? Many people advocate for Female writers and say that Women can be oppressed in Literature, but try being Welsh in the UK as there are vastly more Famous English Women Authors and Artists and NO Welsh at all, Male or Female. It seems apparent that in England Civil Rights such as Racial Rights and Feminism, for example, only apply if you are English, although I am pretty certain that is against Domestic and International Law, but hey who cares about the UK Celtic Nations as they have No Devolved Independent Media to Stand Up for their Rights. To Clarify, Roald Dahl moved to England at any early age and developed a broad RP English accent, did not mention being born in Wales in 1916 as it would have destroyed his career which is why he did not specifically mention it in his books and developed an English accent to hide it, seen more as English/Norwegian. Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was bigger in America than England, first book published in 1942, during & after the War the Welsh were less of the Enemy than Germany, but normal service quickly resumed, No Recognised Welsh Poets after Dylan Thomas, or even before in the last Four Centuries, the Evidence of Racism is Clear and Tangible. When combating Racial Discrimination no one is going to come out and say that they are Racists, so you have to rely on the Evidence at hand, just as in a Court of Law beyond any 'reasonable doubt'. So given the well documented Acrimonious Relationship between England and Wales over the Centuries, which would obviously increase the likelihood of oppression from England, as a different Majority Nation and Ethnicity, and England's majority 543 MPs preventing a Devolved Independent Celtic Media even to this day, so prevents the oxygen of independent publicity for Welsh Writers, but promotes English Talent through the Historically English controlled UK Media as Evidenced by all the Numerous Famous English Writers over the Centuries. Indeed even the basic Law of Probability over a Four Hundred Year Span (since Shakespeare) would have a few Famous Welsh Authors emerge as almost 5% of the UK population, all things being Equal, so given the Obvious differing power bases between England and Wales, did Welsh Cultural Discrimination and Oppression happen accidently over a 400 year span and continuing to this day, or was it more than likely on purpose? 

There can only be Two possible Explanations for No Consistent Break Through Welsh Authors over the Last Four Centuries (since Shakespeare) in the UK and continuing to this day, such as Shakespeare, Tolkien and more recently J.K.Rowling, for example. Either the Welsh people are uniquely Stupid and cannot write good Literature, over the span of Centuries, or that they are Discriminated against by England for being Welsh so cannot have their Books readily Published, or Recognised Publicly by the London Mainstream UK Media, and Wales does do Not even have Devolved Independent Power over their own Welsh Media, it is still directed from London. So any Welsh Authors will just wither on the vine and eventually go away, as Evidenced by NO Recognised Welsh Break Through Author over the Centuries and to this day, but Numerous English Authors, J.K.Rowling being the most recent. However, consequently, New Welsh Authors will Not bother (unless they somehow pretend to be English) as they know there is No Pathway to Success as No other Recognised Welsh Author has been able to gain any Success and Break Through in the UK in the Past Four Centuries, so No consistent Precedent has been set, which Demonstrates that it is Not possible. Due to Welsh Population size 'all things being Equal' Welsh Authors should make up almost 'Five Percent' of all UK Literature over that last Four Centuries, and to this day (any minimal 'Screen Writing' for the English behind the scenes is Not 'Independent Literature as a stand alone product', Russel.T. Davies exploring Homosexuality, for example. He is a Good Writer but only within the confines of his English paymasters, so valid Proof that Welsh people can write good work, but not apparently Independently). This Discrimination appears to happen in all the UK Cultural Arts, for Example Catherine Zeta Jones in England the best she could do was a bit part in 'the Darling Buds of May', she goes to Hollywood where Welsh discrimination does not exist and she is a World Famous Super Star, same person, different Environment, Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton, Matthew Rhys as other apparent Examples, amongst many.

Systemic Oppression over Time becomes so Ingrained and Normalised that even the Oppressed do not Fully know that they are Oppressed, particularly given No Devolved Independent Media for the Celtic People ('prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority' dictionary definition of Oppression). At a certain point most Systemically Oppressed people become generationally Apathetic, why waste emotions like Anger & Frustration on a situation that you cannot change, it will just drive you crazy and make your existence even less pleasant, so it becomes easier to live within the boundaries of your oppression than to fight it, as eventually they just become generationally tired and worn down. 

As the author of this work, I am well aware that an Anti-Authoritarian, Radical (yes, telling the truth is radical) minority Welsh voice will not be accepted by the all encompassing English London Establishment (as it will create uncomfortable conversation's through challenging deeply held beliefs in England), so the author will always just be seen as a Welsh author, an Outsider, even a Troublemaker (no matter how great the work). As a result this work will Initially be ignored, marginalised and disregarded, even many Welsh People will Fear the Systemic Implications to their Careers of any Association with it in the UK. If I was an English Author Critiquing the EU Union in such detailed terms I would be Flooded with Book Offers from inside England as it would suit their Narrative. Oppression is Subtle in the UK but Oppression None the Less, indeed that Subtlness could be even more Sinister than Overt Racism, at least with Overt Racism you have a Clear Idea of who is the Enemy and who is the Friend. Yet, this work isn't about success or notoriety, as this is Dictated in the UK by English Owners and English Editors of Publishing Companies, even within the Few in Wales, as well as the London Media Authorities, and the main large Powerful UK Publishing Houses in England that influence all of the UK literature output (usually other smaller UK Publishing Companies Consist of Editors or Owners who used to work for the large companies in England then branched out using those Connections, for example). It's about the uncomfortable Easily Evidenced Truth and Common Sense, that will eventually lead to positive change for Wales and even the UK as a whole, indeed I may not quite see it in my lifetime. It is easy to write in favour of the powers that be, by hiding or disregarding any Celtic minority association or concerns, to be accepted by the UK majority system (although Wales has 3 Million people but No Independent Media to Publicise Welsh Work, especially work that may Challenge the London UK Status Quo). However, Complicity is not the aim of this work, the goal is to outline the minority Welsh condition as accurately as I can, to improve the experience and opportunity for the next generation coming through. As such, as with all truth, it will be fully acknowledged in the end, just not right now, but the clock has now already started ticking. "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win” Ghandi. 'The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is' (Winston Churchill). Dictionary Definition of 'Truth' - 'in accordance with fact or reality'. As "the 'Truth' is like a Lion, You do Not have to Constantly Defend it, 'LET IT LOOSE', It Can Defend Itself"... (St.Augustine). Once the Truth is Out there it Cannot be Removed or Forgotten, it Waits Relentlessly in the Margins for when its Time Comes to be Fully Exposed and Acknowledged. Once you have read the easily Evidenced Truth it stays with you, no matter how hard you try to ignore it, it will always be 'Tapping you on your Shoulder' and 'Whispering in your Ear', appealing to your better side, as we all like to think that we are Just and Good people, even the ones that are quite Evidently not Just or Good people.

Indeed, where is the Public Three Dimensional View of Welshness & Welsh People, with Views and Counter Views, Exploring Welshness, and their Celticness from Different Philosophical Narratives and Perspectives through Cultural Literature, Novels or Art, or Highlighting Prominent Welsh Historical Figures, Events (such as Welsh Annexation) & Places in Dramas and Films Cultural Works that would Enrich Welsh Culture & Society (with for Example, the Numerous and Ongoing Films and Dramas from London Exploring England's History, such as, Downton Abbey, Bridgerton and the Crown, or in Films with just recently the Darkest Hour (Winston Churchill), The Theory of Everything (Stephen Hawking), The Queen (English Born Queen & Princess Diana the English Royal), The King's Speech (King George), and Bohemian Rhapsody (Freddie Mercury, tried his best to be English, accent etc, & was regarded as English), Rocket Man (Elton John), along with the usual James Bond and Sherlock Holmes promoting a so called superior English Exceptionalism based in London, to name but a Few).  Indeed, it is often said that if Banksy was Welsh he would be doing three years for Graffiting right now. 

The obvious Racial Bias by London as arguably one of the greatest Britons that ever lived and saved millions of lives was Welsh person Aneurin Bevan (1897-1960) who invented the NHS in the UK, yet not a word, where is the Film Adaptation of his Life? indeed David LLoyd George with strong Welsh Connections won the first world war for the UK, but all we hear about is England's Churchill, with only English people on Bank Notes? Even Lawrence of Arabia was Welsh Born in Tremadog (1888), although you will never know. Actually, many people argue that because of LLoyd George's (prime minister from 1916-22) Celtic Connections and Natural Empathy (grew up in Wales & spoke fluent Welsh, although then created a broad English Accent) that the Republic of Ireland would still be owned by London to this day. As I am sure that there must be some Genuine Welsh Artist's & Writers out there over the Years somewhere Exploring Welshness and promoting Welsh Cultural Development (Not just English people living in Wales because it is Cheap never mentioning Wales) but without a Public Platform they might as well not Exist, and therefore will and probably have just withered on the vine as they will not be able to be financially viable without a public platform, starved of the oxygen of publicity by London. Culture in the developed world is spread through Mass Media Channels Highlighting Cultural Works as without that Spotlight it all remains in the Dark, Unseen, Unnoticed then Withers Away, just as the Oppressor Intended (who Controls the Media in the UK?). Media influences Culture and Society by allowing for a very Rapid Exchange of Ideas and Provokes Debate, but also provides Publicity to Sell and Advertise Works and Artists to then further Develop the Industry and make it Sustainable, as in England. Culture is one of the main pillars of development and sustenance of communities and no society can progress in its absence. It is the identity where common values, attitudes, preferences and knowledge are attributed to the behaviour in a particular social group, and has a positive influence on social development in any given country. Culture is a powerful driver for development, with community-wide social, economic and environmental impacts. In the UK Englishness is everything, you can be Asian, Black, a Women, or Working Class (for Example) but as long as you are English then you can be allowed Exposure, however, if you are Asian, Black, a Women, or Working Class but from a Celtic Nation then you are largely Denied a Mainstream Media Space. Being a Minority or Under Represented but within the Confines of being English is what London consider as Diversity, but what a Celtic person would Describe as English Nationalism leading to Racism based on being a Minority UK Celtic person.

Where are the widely Publicly acknowledged Classic and Modern Welsh Plays, Dance, Dramas, Musicals, Folk Music, Folklore, Poems, Films, Theatre Productions, Commercial Art, Paintings in Various Styles, Sculptures, Art Exhibitions, Novels and Literature Advertised and Presented on the UK Mainstream Media & Internationally available Films or Dramas Specifically Exploring and Highlighting Wales and Welshness, its History, or Welsh Places and People, and even Welsh Celticness, such as the Numerous and Ongoing Widely Publicised Cultural Productions and Cultural Work Specifically Highlighting England and London, their Monarchy, History and People, and because this Vacuum of the Welsh Existence is something that London Cannot Hide (even Wales' only main Poet in Dylan Thomas in the 1940's is largely ignored by the London Media, and Roald Dahl moved to England at an early age and developed a broad English accent, never mentioning Wales specifically in his work) the Continued Absence of these Cultural Works is More Powerful and Potent a Fact of England Systematically trying to Ignore, Rewrite, and Erase Wales and its Culture as a Nation through London, as a Cultural Annexation, than even all the other Easily Evidenced Discrimination presented here on this Website!... The Oxford English Definition of Culture - the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. Nation - a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Just having some Theatres in Wales that show Generic Culture such as in Pantomimes or someone else's Culture such as Shakespeare, is not promoting Welsh Culture, as National Culture is Specific to a certain Nation or Social Group and Explores their Identity, Warts and All. 

As without Culture there can be No Development of a Nation, made more Potent with No Devolved Independent Media for Wales to Highlight, Platform and Create Productions or Literature and Provide a Financial Public Space for Welsh Writers to Promote their Work and create a Career, that then Provides Welsh Cultural Development. In the Absence of an Independent Devolved Welsh (Celtic) Media Wales have their Identity Imposed onto them by London, usually revolving around Sheep and Bestiality (Irish as Stupid, and Scottish as Dour Sweaty Drunken Losers, for Example). Indeed, it appears that London need to prevent Wales Developing Culturally as a Nation over the Centuries as then they may Fear a greater Welsh identity and Confidence leading to Independence from England, by seeing Wales & England as Two Distinct Nations. Yet, it is possible to be a separate nation within the UK but still be part of the union state, indeed it is imperative for the future of the UK.

                                            The Best way to Stymie Identity is to Stymie Culture, the best way to Stymie Culture is to Stymie a Nations Media






